Noquemanon Ski Marathon canceled for the second year in a row

Since 1984, the Noquemanon Ski Marathon has been a staple in the upper Michigan Nordic skiing community. Since its fruition, the race has hosted a 50 kilometer race, 24 kilometer race, and 10 kilometer race, as well as a 15 mile snowshoe race and a “Junior Noque” youth Nordic ski race. In recent years, the Noquemanon Ski Marathon has also hosted an adaptive ski race for people in the disabled community. Every year, the race brings roughly 1,000 Nordic skiers together from all over the country to race along the many trails of the Noquemanon Trail Network in Marquette. 

This year, over 800 racers were registered and ready to line up at the start line to compete in the many different races that were to be hosted, but unfortunately, the race was canceled. Last year the ski race was canceled for the first time in almost 20 years due to lack of snow and safety concerns for the competitors, and this year, the same can be said. The cancellation of the race is not only a blow to the Nordic skiing community, but also a blow to the city of Marquette. With the race drawing over 1,000 participants annually, the cancellation of the race has led to major losses for all types of business in the Marquette area. 

Michigan Tech Nordic ski instructor and previous racer in the Noquemanon Ski Marathon, Kora Johnson, said, “It’s really disappointing to see the race canceled for the second year in a row. This is a huge let down for the Nordic skiing community.” Noquemenon race organizers said that they are planning on changing registrations for next year’s race, and that they will release additional information on the new process in the near future.

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