World Report: April 6

Brexit and Spain

The concept of “Hard Brexit” usually refers to the idea of Scotland seeking an addi­tional referendum for independence from the United Kingdom in a bid to stay in the European Union, but what of the United Kingdom’s other holdings in Europe? Ac­cording to the BBC, former U.K. Conser­vative leader Lord Howard started a media firestorm over the weekend when he im­plied that the United Kingdom would be willing to go to war over Gibraltar. Known for its “British” landmark, The Rock of Gi­braltar, the 2.3 square-mile territory is ac­tually on the southern tip of Spain. While its 32,000 inhabitants have not expressed interest in seeking independent rule in the break of Brexit, Spain has contested the British control of the region for some 300 years, and may have something to say about it.

Indian cargo ship seized by pirates

According to a report by the BBC, an In­dian cargo ship was seized by Somali pi­rates early Monday morning, and the ship is now headed for Somalia. This is the sec­ond ship taken by Somali pirates in the last month. Prior to that attack there had been no reports of piracy since 2012 after an international military effort was launched to reduce the occurrence of piracy in the waters around the impoverished African country. Drought, famine, and continual conflict on the continent may be a driving force behind this renewed activity.

New West Bank settlement

Israel’s security cabinet unanimously voted to construct a new settlement in the West Bank, as well as expand four other existing settlements, according to the BBC. Israeli settlements in lands internationally recog­nized as belonging to Palestine were con­troversial and common toward the end of the last century and this is the first settle­ment approved by the Israeli government in the first twenty years, though existing settlements have been expanded in that time. The new settlement seems to be in response to the evacuation of an unau­thorized settlement by Palestinian forces. Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netan­yahu, had been encouraged to hold back on settlements by President Trump in a recent visit to the White House.

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