Search for new Dean

College of Sciences and Arts Dean Search Committee Formed

The search for the new College of Sciences and Arts (CSA) Dean has begun with the assembly of the CSA Dean Search Committee. The Provost has initiated the search and has determined that it will be an open search (internal and external candidates welcome).

The committee’s first organizational meeting was held on March 14. At that meeting, Susie Amato-Henderson (Cognitive and Learning Sciences) was elected chair and Jared Anderson (Visual and Performing Arts) was elected associate chair.

Members of the committee are; Will Cantrell (Physics), Steven Elmer (KIP), Hugh Gorman (Soc Sci), Casey Huckins (Bio Sci), Haiying Liu (Chemistry), Paul Loomis (AROTC; representing Military Science units), Robert Pastel (CS), Ronald Strickland (Humanities), Jiguang Sun (Math), Karen Salo (CSA staff representative), Rupsa Basu (Graduate Student Government), and Karina Aranda (Undergraduate Student Government). At-large appointees include Victor Busov (SFRES), Nina Mahmoudian (MEEM), and David Reed (VP Research) Human Resources designated Renee Hiller as a representative to serve without vote.

A general timeline has been established as follows:

May 2017: Job description finalized and advertising venues selected

October 2017: Deadline for applications

November 2017 – January 2018: Interviews conducted

March 2018: New Dean announcement

For details on the committee’s future undertakings refer to Senate Procedures 802.1.1. In accordance with those procedures, the committee will seek input from the campus community at various points in the process and intends to utilize Tech Today to publicize those opportunities. As per policy, committee meetings will be open to members of the University community unless a closed meeting is necessary to maintain confidentiality. Committee meetings this semester will occur on Mondays from 1:00 – 2:00 in Rekhi 101 from March 27th through May 1st.

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