Student Tips: Surviving Winter Driving

Houghton winters are brutal, and driving in them can be downright intimidating if you’re not used to it. But with a little know-how, you can handle snowy roads like a pro. 

First rule: take it easy–don’t jerk the steering wheel or slam the brakes. Sudden movements make your car more likely to skid, and trust me, sliding through an intersection isn’t the kind of adrenaline rush you want. Gentle, gradual movements are key. 

Try rocking your car out if you get stuck in snow (which will happen eventually). Shift between drive and reverse while giving it little bursts of gas to build momentum. It’s a solid trick that’ll save you from calling a tow truck. 

Make sure your car is winter-ready. Keep a snow brush and ice scraper handy, check your wiper fluid (use one that won’t freeze), and make sure your tires aren’t bald. Winter tires? Even better. Make sure to always park with your wipers up so they don’t freeze to the windshield. If they hit your hood when you try to raise them, look up the “service position” in your car’s manual—most cars have it. 

Most importantly, give yourself extra time. You’ll need it to scrape, defrost, and drive like a cautious snow ninja. Stay safe out there!

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