Busy 2025 for Michigan Technological University

With the start of the new semester and new year, The Lode sat down with Michigan Tech president Dr. Richard Koubek to discuss what is in store for 2025. 

When asked about what excited him the most with the new year, Koubek mentioned that Michigan Tech is looking to continue improvements by fully implementing Essential Education (the revised General Education requirements for Bachelor-level degrees), improving classrooms and lab spaces, and upgrading on-campus living with the opening of East Hall and the renovation of Wadsworth Hall’s dining hall. Incoming students will be automatically put into the new requirements, while current students will have the option to continue with the current ones or transfer to the new ones permanently. 

When asked about other upcoming initiatives, Dr. Koubek highlighted the fact that the university has three new college deans (Engineering, Science and Arts, and Forest Resources and Environmental Science) and a new Vice President for Research. These individuals have been in their positions for around six months; after getting settled, they will start creating plans of where they want to take their respective areas. 

Another big item that ended in  2024 is the current set of Tech Forward Initiatives. These initiatives make up the strategic plan for the university, and they are created based on what needs to be done to make progress in the plan. Dr. Koubek says to keep an eye out for meetings about the creation of  the next set of Initiatives. 

With all the new ideas and changes coming with the new year, one thing is clear: Dr. Koubek encourages all students to engage with the different plans being set out so the university can confirm what matters to the students. 

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