New restaurants to move into the MUB, Post Election Stress event, and 1UP conference discussed at USG meeting

USG’s weekly meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 13 started with a presentation about 1UP, followed by announcements about dining on campus and other campus events.

1UP is a conference for the undergraduate student governments of the Upper Peninsula. The purpose of the conference is to share knowledge between the three different student governments of Michigan Tech, Northern Michigan, and Lake Superior State. Cole Pierucki, Vice President of MTU’s USG, is helping NMU set up a break bus to help alleviate difficulty getting home during breaks. It was also proposed to create a monthly zoom meeting between the student governments to foster greater connection between the universities of the UP. There was also a proposal for a shared discord between all the student governments, but this will most likely not be implemented.

The political affairs committee is hosting a Post Election Stress event on Thursday, Nov. 21 at 7 p.m. in the MUB ballroom B. The event will host three speakers who are knowledgeable about the democratic process of the United States. These speakers will be Todd Holmstrom, Danielle Meirow, and Bendan Leddy. The political affairs committee is still waiting for confirmation from another potential speaker.

The Wads dining hall will close Saturday, Dec. 14 for renovations. According to dining services, only the dining room is being renovated. Additionally, the restaurants in the MUB are to close during Summer break to allow the new restaurants to move in. 

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