Election Day information

The general election falls on Tuesday, Nov. 5, which means Election Day coincides with the day of The Lode’s weekly print release. If you’re reading this on Tuesday and haven’t voted yet, visit your precinct’s polling place before it closes.

The City of Houghton’s website lists the polling places as Houghton Fire Hall, 1404 Gundlach Rd., and Dee Stadium, 700 Lakeshore Dr. For Hancock residents, the polling place is located at Lakeview Manor, 1401 Quincy St. Voting at these locations is open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Your vote is important, make sure it gets counted.

Additional information for voting in Houghton County or Michigan as a whole can be found at houghtoncounty.net/clerk-vote-locations.php and michigan.gov/vote

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